
Protopia Collective is a forward-thinking community of designers, artists, specialists, and visionaries. As a co-lab at the intersection of sustainable design, art, and experimentation, the collective reimagines food, materials, and ideas through mindful and regenerative practices. It creates collectible designs and limited-edition products that inspire connection, sustainability, and sensory experiences, while building a vibrant community through immersive experiences.

Protopia Collective's philosophy is rooted in the concept of Protopia, which emphasises continuous improvement through small, positive changes that build a better world. The collective operates with a mission to inspire a deeper understanding of our relationship with the natural world, not just through the objects they create but also through immersive events that encourage participants to engage with their surroundings mindfully​​.



Protopia means continuous improvement—small, positive changes that build a better world. It’s not about perfection but progress, driven by collaboration and sustainable actions.



We integrate diverse perspectives—product design, architecture, fashion, and food sustainability—to create holistic solutions.


Every member and project aligns with our values, ensuring a shared commitment to sustainability.


We share insights through reports, exhibitions, and events, advocating for responsible design.


Pioneering new materials and methods, we innovate sustainable practices through hands-on projects.

Global Market Access

We provide emerging creatives with the platform to share their work on an international stage, thoughtfully positioning them in markets where their ideas can thrive. Through carefully curated exhibitions, we ensure that each designer connects with the right audiences and collaborators, building lasting relationships within the global design community. This exposure helps them expand their creative impact, allowing their work to resonate beyond their local scenes and into the wider world.

Limited Editions

Our pieces are both collectible and functional, celebrating the beauty in imperfection. Each design offers a tactile, sensory experience that invites touch and interaction, embodying a sense of tranquillity and authenticity. These creations reflect the natural world’s textures and forms, making each piece not just an object, but a moment of connection.

Focus on Food

We explore food’s role in sustainability and its profound impact on our well-being. By partnering with chefs, nutritionists, and foragers, we promote mindful eating, foraging, regenerative agriculture, and local food systems, underscoring food’s influence on our health and our connection to the natural world.


Protopia Collective is ever-evolving, growing with each event, exhibition, and project. We embrace new members who resonate with our core philosophy of sustainability, collaboration, and mindful design. Each new addition brings fresh perspectives and skills, enhancing our ability to shape the next experience, while contributing to our collective vision of creating a more connected and thoughtful world. Our community thrives on shared values and the belief that together, we can continuously inspire and innovate.

Founding Members

  • Heiter X
  • Robin Berrewaerts
  • Jo Nurm
  • Mari Uibo
  • Rait Lõhmus
  • Erik Merisalu
  • Tiiu Aruoja
  • Marit Mihklepp
  • Alana Proosa
  • Taavet Jansen
  • Johanna Ruukholm
  • Martina Gofman
  • Daanius Aas
  • Rickie Cheuk
  • Robin Pilk


  • elektron.art
  • UKU Pure Earth
  • Krohwin
  • Shroomwell
  • WWW studio
  • Friends & Co
  • Seen PR
  • SoShiro
  • Mayfair Design District
  • Shoreditch Arts Club
  • London Design Festival

Special Thanks

  • Ragnar Kreis
  • Shiro Muchiri
  • Luciana Magalhaes
  • James Malcom Green
  • Angelika Sofia Sapatšuk


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